Drew Karpyshyn?s The Old Republic: Revan is a thrilling dive into the Star Wars Expanded Universe, focusing on the iconic Jedi Knight turned Sith Lord, Revan. Set thousands of yea...
Sean Williams' "Fatal Alliance", set within the expansive Star Wars universe during the twilight years of the Old Republic, throws readers into a thrilling political intrigue laced with betrayal, Jedi con...
Paul S. Kemp's Deceived, a thrilling installment in the Star Wars: The Old Republic novel series, plunges us back into the chaotic galactic war between the Jedi Order and the Sith...
Drew Karpyshyn's Annihilation is a captivating entry in the vast Star Wars: The Old Republic saga. Set during the Mandalorian Wars, it throws players into a brutal conflict where the fate of the galaxy...
"Red Harvest" by Joe Schreiber plunges us into the dark underbelly of the Outer Rim in a thrilling tale set between "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope." The story centers on bounty hunter...
John Jackson Miller's "Knight Errant" is a compelling addition to the Expanded Universe (now Legends), immersing readers in the adventures of Jedi Knight Kerra Holt during the tumultuous period fol...
Drew Karpyshyn's "Darth Bane: Rule of Two" dives deep into the tumultuous history of the Sith, chronicling the rise of Darth Bane, a cunning apprentice who reshaped the order from within. Set th...
Drew Karpyshyn's Darth Bane: Path of Destruction plunges us into a pivotal era in Star Wars lore, laying the foundation for the Rule of Two that would define the Sith Order for centuries. This prequel no...
Drew Karpyshyn's Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil is the second installment in his acclaimed trilogy chronicling the rise of Darth Bane, the Sith Lord who forged the Rule of Two. This novel delves into the early...